Taking Care Of Orchid Stem Leads To Healthy, Breathtaking Blooms And Flowers
People often assume that caring for orchids is for people who have lots of time on their hands or have money to spend. The truth of the matter is that anyone can choose from the more than 25,000 orchid species or 100,000 hybrids and grow them in their backyard or inside their home. Orchids are really the easiest plants to take care of.
Orchids are like other plants in that they need special things to help make them grow. It's important that you understand these things if you plan on growing them for years to come.
The Requirements Necessary To Care For Your Plants Appropriately
When you're growing orchids, caring for them is must. You can't just let them fend for themselves especially if you're growing them inside. Remember that these plants will produce lots of stunning-looking blooms but you won't get them if you don't take the time to care for them. You must give them extra care if you want them to produce those blooms... perhaps even like the ones you can purchase in stores. A popular type is called the phaleanopsis, which you can find in many colors of white and purple. In fact, when you go to stores, you'll often see this species on sale. Why? They're just that easy to care for but what do they need specifically? They need:
- Sunlight (or any kind of light source)
- Water (in moderate amounts)
- Right Temperatures (warm
- Fertilizer
- Pruning
A Deeper Look At What Your Plants Need To Live
Fertilizer - When you have a garden, you want your plants to give you blooms that will last for some time, be sure that your orchid stems get the right amount of fertilizer so that they'll flourish. You don't want to give them too much fertilizer so be careful.
Pruning - You want your flowers to give you the most blooms possible. Thus, you'll need to prune your flowers as it is blooming. Pruning allows for new flower buds to come out.
Temperatures - You should know that your orchid stems are not going to thrive in extremely hot or cold climates so be sure you maintain their proper temperatures of about 55 to 80 degrees. If introduced to high temperatures of 90 degrees or more, the plant will begin to drop buds and halt the blooming process.
Watering - Your orchid stems are a lot sturdier than you may realize; thus, they don't need to be watered every day. Yes, you want your plants to blooms but if you overwater them, you'll kill them. Rather than exposing them to water every day, use a water tray (without letting the roots touch the tray) or water your plants every 10 weeks. Remember that the type of potting medium you use and the type you are growing will determine, for sure, how often you need to water.
Sunlight - With proper care to your orchid stem, you can rest assured that your flowers will give you blooms that last at least three months... perhaps even longer. Make sure that your plants are near the eastern sun so that they get plenty of light throughout the day. You should never have them in direct sunrays since this can scorch your leaves and blooms, turning them yellow and cause them to drop. If you plan on planting them where the western sun hits them, be sure you shade your orchids.
Are you worried that you may do this wrong or decide that growing orchids inside is for the best? Then you'll need a light substitute such as fluorescent lights; however, do not bring them any closer than a foot to your plant. You should also turn off the light to limit the exposure.
By giving your orchids and the orchid stem the right attention, you'll be blessed with gorgeous blooms the entire season. They aren't hard to grow but you should take care of them at all times.
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