Kaichou wa Maid-sama: Synopsis and List of Characters
Maid Sama, or Kaichou wa Maid-sama as it is known in Japan, is a series that revolves around the protagonist Misaki Ayuzawa - the short-tempered, boy-hating student council president in Seika High School (formerly an all-boys school) and her relationship with the popular guy in school, Takumi Usui, who discovers Misaki's secret that she is working part-time at a maid cafe to help her family.
The title, “Kaichou wa Maid-sama” literally means “The Student Council President is a Maid.” It is a shojo or shoujo manga by Hiro Fujiwara made into an anime adaptation first aired in Japan last April 1, 2010.
The anime is about Misaki, the first female student council president of Seika High School, a former all-boys school which was notorious for being a creepy place for girls and for its rowdy students. Even if it has become a co-ed school, the girls' population is still in minority and most of them are afraid of the boys' tricks. Misaki took the responsibility of making a reform in school so that the girls would feel safe. Because of that, she acquired the respect of the staff and the female students, considering her as a shining hope; however, she also became known as a strict dictator because of her aggressive and awfully demanding attitude towards boys.
Despite her rough appearance, Misaki is actually fair and helpful to others. She secretly works as a waitress in a maid cafe called “Cafe Maid Latte” after school to support her family. Takumi discovered her secret but after knowing her reason for working part-time, he decided to keep her secret and just annoy her by always visiting Misaki as a customer of the cafe.
Misaki doesn't want anyone in school to know that she works in a maid cafe because it may destroy her reputation she worked so hard for. In Japan, maid cafes are included in the many types of cosplay restaurants where waitresses are dressed in costumes to look like maids and treat customers as their masters and mistresses while they act as servants in a home instead of as patrons of a cafe.
The main characters of Kaichou wa Maid-sama are Misaki Ayuzawa and Takumi Usui. Here's a list of characters, including the main and secondary characters:
- Misaki Ayuzawa
- Takumi Usui
- Hinata Shintani
- Shouichirou Yukimura
- Naoya Shirakawa
- Ikuto Sarashina
- Ryuunosuke Kurosaki
- Sakura Hanazono
- Shizuko Kaga
- Soutarou Kanou
- Maria Miyazono
- Minako Ayuzawa
- Suzuna Ayuzawa
- Satsuki
- Honoka
- Erika
- Subaru
- Sayu
- Gon-chan
- Sen
- Mochi
- Aoi Hyoudou
- Nagisa Hyoudou
- Kuuga Sakurai
- Shou
- Kou
- William Adam Yuuji
- Tora Igarashi
- Kanade Maki
- Hirofumi Koganei
- Gouki Aratake
- Gerard Walker
- Ruri Yukimura
- Cedric
Watch Kaichou wa Maid Sama to get to know all the characters of this story. You can watch free anime online on various sites and blogs. The manga version of Kaichou wa Maid-sama is specifically marketed to young girls ages 10-18, but anyone can enjoy this anime if you're into funny love stories.
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