Self Realization: How to Have an Instant Shift in Consciousness
"The mind functions by defining.
And through definitions
boundaries are created,
separation is created.
There is this body that is me
and everything else that is not me.
So you experience something
the mind defines as pain in your chest
and that pain is separate from you.
It is something that is happening to you.
It is alien to you
and a threat to you
and therefore something
must be done about it.
This is the natural process of the mind.
It is how the physical body survives.
Most people try and approach meditation
from this mind perspective.
How can I,
as this body
get bliss
and get away from pain.
And so begins
the struggle and suffering
of frustrating meditations
that bear little fruit because
you have already separated yourself
from your experience.
But you can be free
of all of this in an instant.
Simply by closing your eyes
and allowing yourself to experience
what is truly here beyond thought.
By 'feeling' what is here
without defining or describing.
Without the mind,
all that is left is sensation.
An experience of energy,
conscious energy,
that has no boundaries.
What you experienced before as pain
is now simply a movement of energy.
Instantly you are free
of all separation and conflict.
All stress and self-importance
goes out the window.
The mind / body experience becomes something
you witness inside you
rather than you inside it.
So awareness
is completely uncomplicated.
This simple shift in perspective
changes everything in an instant.
Simply by removing the mind
as the perceiver,
what was an experience of incessant conflict
now is just conscious energy;
An experience of unconditional peace.
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