Do You Need a Personal Assistant?
When you hear the word 'personal assistant,' probably the first thing that came to your mind are celebrities. Celebrities are known to have personal assistants, employees whose responsibilities include buying coffee and buying presents for family members and friends. If you are not one of Hollywood's rich and famous, you may think that you do not need one. However, celebrities are not the only ones who need the help of such assistant. Anyone who has had to juggle personal and professional tasks may need to employ such individual.
You may need a personal assistant if you are burdened with personal and professional responsibilities. This can be because you have responsibilities outside of your job. For instance, if you are a full-time employee and also the head of an organization, you may have little time to do anything else. Even if your job is the only thing the occupies your time, the nature of your job may require you to employ help.
However, you would definitely need a personal assistant if you are running your own business. Even if your business is small, an assistant's help will be essential for you. As a business owner or entrepreneur, it is a must for you to focus on the core functions in order for your business to be profitable. For you to do this, you would have to delegate the time-consuming mundane tasks to someone else.
Personal assistants are known for picking up coffee for their bosses, but their job description includes more than just heading over to the nearest Starbucks. A personal assistant can help you with almost anything regarding your business and personal needs, but their basic tasks include (but are not limited to) the following: answering and making calls, screening emails, setting appointments, booking travel, managing schedules, booking travel and arranging vacations.
Depending on your business, you may need your personal assistant to do more than the aforementioned. In fact, you may require someone who specializes in a particular area. In some cases, personal assistants handle tasks such as content writing and management, sales lead generation, graphic design and marketing.
Personnel leasing as a business trend continue to be popular and leasing companies can expect to see growth in the next few years. This can be attributed to the emergence of small companies, probably those with less than 50 employees. For a company that size, a leasing agreement would save valuable time and financial resources.
One will ask, “how do leased employees benefit from personnel leasing?” Since the staff leasing company serves as the employer of record, those that work for the client firm can have medical/dental packages, insurance policies and other benefits that would have been too exorbitant for a small business to afford. With a larger pool of workers, personnel leasing agencies often get better rates, so they are in the position to provide more benefits. In addition, leased employees are guaranteed to work in the best working environment; this is due to the fact that they are handpicked based on their skills and what the job requires.
Indeed, the practice assures both client firms and leased employees to benefit from the relationship. Because personnel leasing is favorable to both the employer and employed, people can expect the practice to continue on for more years to come.
If you find yourself multitasking most of the time and working harder than you have to on a daily basis, it would be a good idea for you to hire someone who will make your life easier. The cost of having a personal assistant will prove to be worth it, as you get more time in your hands and improved productivity in return.
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