Getting Help With A Poor Credit Score
Getting rejected for a car loan or for a mortgage or, perhaps more surprisingly, getting stuck with a higher than expected interest rate when you are approved for a loan, is often the first many people hear that they have a poor credit rating. Alternatively, sometimes you may already be aware that you have poor credit, but may not be fully aware of the effect bad credit can have on your life and your financial future. Poor credit can be the cause of you being rejected for a car loan, new home loan, the lowest car insurance premiums, or even a job. It can also be the cause of you being approved for financing at a higher interest rate than you were expecting.
If any of these situations happen to you, you may feel hopeless and resigned to your fate, especially when you discover that items on your credit report can be recorded for seven years or more. The effect of a score is not short-lived. Like many others in this situation, you may feel your only option is to patiently wait out this sentence until the time limit has expired and these negative items automatically drop from your credit reports.
Bad Credit Does Not Have to Be a 7 Year Penalty
The good news is that you may not have to wait 7 long years for negative information to drop from your credit reports. There are things you can do today that could result in big increases in your credit score in much less time. There are things you can do to legally fix up your credit.
You can research how to fix your credit reports yourself, and risk spending a large amount of energy and time working towards achieving your credit goals. Alternatively, you may instead choose to receive assistance from a credit correction organization. These credit experts have experience performing the tasks required to improve people's credit.
Credit correction organizations work with the credit reporting agencies and your individual creditors to dispute the questionable negative information that appears on your credit reports.
Credit correction firms like Lexington Law specialize in working with consumers to dispute the questionable items on their credit report. For over 18 years, Lexington Law has been helping consumers take action on their credit. Through participation in services which address issues with creditors as well as the credit bureaus directly, Lexington Law's average clients see 84 percent of the damaging information removed from their credit reports within 1 year. (Individual results may vary).
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