How To Seduce A Hot Korean Girl
Why is it that so many Western men are attracted to Korean Girls? Why is it that each year, more Americans, Canadians, Australians, Germans, and guys from other countries are getting married to Asian women?
Well, the physical appeal of Asian women is undeniable. Their silky black hair...slim, firm, petite bodies...and even the graceful way that they walk.
I am sure their gorgeous, exotic features are attractive to you. And then there is the sense of "shy innocence" that Korean women possess. It makes us curious to discover more about them, and it's a big turn-on to think that beneath that shy exterior lies a sexual side that is waiting to be unleashed...
Of course, you couldn't tell a Western woman that you have this preference. The Western woman will assume that your love of Korean Girls is about wanting to have a "slave" who waits on you hand and foot and cleans your house. The bitter Western woman thinks that men who date Asian women aren't "man" enough to be with a "real lady."
This couldn't be farther from the truth, and you already know this if you've been with beautiful Korean women. The Asian girlfriends I've had have been smart, self-sufficient, opinionated and strong. Yet at the same time, they radiate pure femininity.
They make a man feel like...well, like a MAN!
It's the way that you and I, as men, were born to feel. We need to be with a feminine, loving partner in order for us to feel confident and content. If you don't believe me, just ask your married buddies who are hitched to overbearing, nagging wives. They're miserable!
Wanting to date Korean women isn't any weird "fetish," nor does it suggest that you are in any way deficient or unable to handle a relationship with a woman of your own race. On the contrary, I say that you are enlightened! You're willing to think "outside the box" and not follow the same script that your friends do -- the guys who settle for whatever girl they can get, because they're convinced that in order to date stunningly beautiful women (or a hot younger woman) you need to be rich, famous or have movie-star good looks.
These guys accept the idea that they're never going to be with a hot, sexy, hard-bodied woman who respects and adores them -- and so, once they reach a certain age, they marry a girl who they think is "compatible" with them (which usually means, she's as boring and ordinary as he is).
What percentage of these guys wind up feeling truly happy with their lives and are sexually fulfilled? My guess is that this number is very small. Most of my married buddies tell me how jealous they are of my lifestyle, which involves a lot of traveling to Asia and dating Korean Girls.
Look, we're all driven by the same needs and desires that we shared with our ancestors 10,000 years ago. We are hard-wired to be men. We desire women who are soft and feminine, and respond to our masculinity and strength. Korean woman cater to this need like no other type of female.
I believe there are a number of valid, important reasons why so many guys want to date Asian women. Some of these reasons, we're not even aware of on a conscious level. Here are some of the big ones. (Note, these characteristics do not apply to all Asian women. I'm talking about the caliber of Asian women that you'll want to meet and be with.)
#1 They are physically sexy and appealing.
The silky hair; flawless skin; petite, hard bodies; and exotic Oriental features add up to combination that a lot of men find irresistible.
It's also interesting to note that the Asian face, because of the way it's constructed, reveals less emotion than the faces of Caucasians. This makes Korean Girls "harder to read" than Caucasian women, who are known to express their feelings constantly (whether you want to hear them or not!).
This gives Korean Woman an air of mystery and unpredictability, which is powerfully attractive to men -- because we're hard-wired to thrive on the thrill of the hunt.
One more note on the physical appeal of Asian women: they usually have beautiful skin and don't age and develop wrinkles the same way that Caucasian women do. Korean Girls are known to remain very attractive as they get older.
#2 They tend to be quite approachable.
I'm constantly approaching and chatting up women, and I've noticed that even the most beautiful Asian women are easier to approach than Western women. They love to be flirted with, too. When I'm in Asia, I can simply give a girl a friendly smile and say to them in their language: "You're very cute, may I know your name?" I'll almost always get a smile in return, and we'll have a conversation. An American woman, on the other hand, might suspect that you're "hitting on her" and not give you the time of day.
The fact is, Asian women smile more. It's part of their culture. You can visit provinces in the Philippines that are poorer than anything you've ever seen, and the people (and the women, in particular) will always greet you with a smile.
Thailand is literally known as "The Land Of Smiles" because people smile all the time. (This can be confusing to foreigners, since the "Thai smile" can actually mean a lot of different things -- I explain this in the "Secrets Of Dating Korean Woman" book. But at any rate, it beats being around a bunch of frowning, frumpy Western women!)
It's mind-blowing to stroll through a big shopping mall in a city like Manila, Jakarta or Bangkok...because so many young, beautiful Asian women will smile at you when you make eye contact with them!
Now, compare this to the shopping malls in the Western world. At a mall in an American city, the women will AVOID eye contact with you -- and if you try to approach them and start a conversation, chances are you will freak them out. The culture is way less open and friendly.
It's true that Korean Girls generally are more "shy" than Western women -- but this is just at first. When you know how to converse with them the right way, their shy exterior will quickly melt away and they will be friendly and warm. Much of the "shyness" you are perceiving has to do with their great concern about being polite.
At that point, the key is knowing how to build their interest and attraction. The "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" program will show you how to do that.
Korean Girls take great pride in managing the household and are excellent homemakers. A household run by an Asian woman is always going to be clean and organized. The meals will be prepared with care and love.
Even the poorest families keep their living space as clean as possible. In Asia, women will always make sure that your home is clean, and they will take pride in cooking your meals and keeping you well-fed.
#4 They have a rich sense of culture and heritage.
Many Westerners are fascinated by the colorful, exotic, mysterious cultures of Asia, which are steeped in history. In recent times, Asia has gotten a reputation as being rather trendy among Westerners. This is particularly true with Japan, which Westerners have begun to recognize as a Mecca for fashion. (Japanese girls are years ahead of Western girls, with their super-cool, futuristic styles of dress.)
Why else would so many Caucasians, both men and women, put tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters on their bodies, thinking it makes them look hip and "spiritual" -- even though they've never even visited those countries? (Very lame, if you ask me...)
By dating Korean Girls, you'll have the opportunity to learn more her fascinating culture -- including its beliefs, traditions, music, cuisine, movies, arts, and history. This isn't the case when you date a woman who grew up in the town next to yours. Being able to constantly learn new things about her culture, while sharing yours with her, can be a big advantage in a relationship. There is less chance of the two of you growing bored with each other. When you date an Asian woman and have genuine appreciation for her culture and background, there are new things for you to explore every day.
#5 Korean Girls place a high value on relationships and have unconditional love for their family.
Another attractive aspect of Asian women is that unlike most of their counterparts in Western countries, they put tremendous value on their families and relationships. Choose the right partner, and she'll be highly loyal to you and will avoid doing anything that will damage the relationship. This tends to bring out the best in you as a man.
Did you know that the Philippines is one of only two countries in the world where there is no divorce? It does not exist. Filipinas are raised to believe that when they marry, it is for life. Even in other, more developed Asian countries (where there is divorce), it is considered a shameful last resort -- unlike in Western countries, where the attitude isn't until "til death us part." It's more like, "Let's give it a try, and if it's not working out six months from now, I'll take your house and half your money, dumbass..."
Again, I must remind you that I am speaking in general terms here. Are all Asian women passionately loyal and committed to their relationships? Of course not. There are plenty of warped women and gold diggers out there; you've got to keep your wits about you and know to avoid them. (Which can be difficult when you find yourself dating an Asian girl with the tightest body you've ever laid your hands on!) The "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book contains some very helpful tips on this.
#6 The attraction between us and them seems to be a mutual thing.
One of the reasons why Western men are interested in dating Asian women is, quite simply, because they've been told that Asian women love Western men! This is certainly true when you are spending time in Asia, but it's still true (to a slightly lesser degree) when you are meeting Asian women in a Western country. The thought of this "mutual interest" is what compels a lot of guys to seek Asian girlfriends.
It's true that if you have light skin and are reasonably fit and attractive, women in Asia will have an "automatic" attraction towards you -- because they have a strong desire to have light-skinned babies. In their culture, light skin is an indicator of status and beauty.
#7 When you date Asian women, interracial stigmas aren't really a problem.
In the Western world, we're much more accepting of other races than were were 100 or even 50 years ago. (Even 10 years ago, it would have been impossible to imagine an African-American president in the White House!) However, racism still persists in America -- particularly with people's attitudes towards relationships between people of different races.
The reality is that a white man marrying a black woman, or a black man marrying a white woman, is still considered unnacceptable by many people, or at the very least it is considered strange. But when Western guys and Asian women date, it is generally quite accepted. In fact, some people say it has become "trendy" in recent years to date Asian women! Now, I'm not saying this is an important reason why you should date Asian women, but it's another positive factor to consider.
It has become very common for Asian women and non-Asian men to date and marry. While the differences between your culture and hers may create minor challenges in your relationship at times, these differences will also help to keep your relationship interesting and constantly evolving.
One difference in backgrounds that can create obstacles is if you marry an Asian woman who comes from a very poor family, since you may be expected to provide financial support for her relatives. I talk more about this in the "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book.)
#8 Asian women have a spiritual core.
Many Asian women observe a religion and take it seriously. Whether she worships God, Buddha or whomever, religion tends to give Asian women a sense of calmness and inner peace that many Western women lack. Asian women don't need to do constant "soul searching" and fret about what is lacking in their lives. For the Asian woman, a loving partner, a happy, healthy household, and the love of her family and God is enough.
#9 They have a hardworking nature.
Asian women typically start helping out their families from a very young age, waking up early to help out with house-hold chores. This is a dramatic difference from the way children are typically raised in Western countries. Also, they believe in working hard in order to provide a better future for their families.
You see this in immigrant communities throughout the West. Asian immigrants will work nonstop in order to send financial support to their families back in Asia, and to enable family members to come over from Asia to join them. They build their own businesses and are careful with their money. Asian people, in general, respect the importance fo hard work. A woman who is raised this way isn't going to turn into a lazy, spoiled "princess" as soon as you put a ring on her finger!
#10 Asian women are meticulous about how they look.
I love the fact that beautiful Asian women are always concerned with how they look, and want to look beautiful no matter where they are. They also believe it's important for them to "stay sexy" for their man! Western women, unfortunately, don't usually act this way. Once they get married, they start gaining weight and feel they no longer need to worry about looking hot.
Actually, I think this is one of the reasons why Western women seem to resent it when guys prefer dating Asian women -- they're jealous of Asian women (and their fantastic ability to stay slim and maintain their sexy, youthful looks!).
It took me a long time to figure out how to date and attract beautiful Korean Girls, and how to make them feel that powerful physical and emotional response called ATTRACTION. I suggest you read my book "Secrets Of Dating Korean Girls" because it explains all of these secrets. You won't have to rely on "trial and error" as I did. With my book, you can learn right now how to use proven tactics and techniques to attract and date the beautiful Korean Girls you desire.
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