Fall Out Of Love With a Married Man
There are ways to fall out of love with a married man, once you recognize completely that he is not FREE to love you back. It doesn’t matter how powerful his vibes and feelings may be. I doesn’t matter that he is romantic and tells you things that lift you to the highest highs. I doesn’t matter ...There are ways to fall out of love with a married man, once you recognize completely that he is not FREE to love you back. It doesn’t matter how powerful his vibes and feelings may be. I doesn’t matter that he is romantic and tells you things that lift you to the highest highs. I doesn’t matter that his feelings for you are, of mythic proportions. The fact of the matter is that he is unavailable and can only give you crumbs of his time rather than honestly give you 24/7 of his ultimate devotion.
In my spiritual counseling practice I come across many, many women who have desperately fallen in love with a married man. Some women stay because the “unavailable man” helps them financially. These are very few. Other stay because they may “subconsciously” not want the commitment but feed off the romance the married man offers. Others stay because they are married themselves and don’t want to leave the security of a marriage but want the “candy” or stimulation of an outside affair.
A lot of others stay in the relationship because they are convinced : 1) the man is unhappy and not in love with the wife (or so he says). 2) He is waiting for the children to grow up and leave the house and his children come first (‘natch) 3) he has too much tied up financially in the “loveless” marriage and cannot leave because he will grow broke.
If you wish to fall out of love with a married man there are several things you should do. First of all, reevaluate how much you love yourself. Do you love yourself enough to accept the “crumbs of time” your married man is offering you? If you think about it, they are stolen moments dressed in shame. Or do you wish to have a solid relationship that will last your lifetime?
Second of all, you must put yourself in the wife’s position. How would you feel it you were her? Perhaps your married man has painted a picture of an evil, hollering banshee who in the daylight is a wife and at night an insulting hag. Just remember it takes two to fail a marriage. Your married man is not the innocent bystander meekly putting up with a shrew of a wife.
Also you must ask yourself this: If your married man, miraculously left his wife for you, how long will it be before he carries on an affair behind YOUR back? Can you truly trust him? If you cannot trust him then there is no real love there, just obsession.
To fall out of love with a married man requires no magic potion, but a change of mind. An evaluation of how much time and feeling you want to put into a relationship with no real return. Some tell me, “well every time I try to draw back he calls me and draws me back in. (I’ve heard that one countless times).
The truth is. You have the power to say no. You have the power NOT to return his phone calls. You have the power to leave your job (particularly if you are having an affair with a married co-worker or boss).You have all the control over the situation. You may put up all sorts of excuses to justify why you are still with him, but YOU have the power to turn away forever if you want.
Remember if you are having an affair on the job, it behooves you to pay attention others who may know about it. Because when the affair is over YOU will be the one under scrutiny, he’ll just be another guy who conquered another vulnerable woman. This can happen particularly if you are working in a male dominated company.
Being in love with a married man is a dead end affair. There is no positive reason to remain with him either. As his “mistress” you are an accomplice in his deception towards his wife and family. You are enabling him to stay married by being “there” when he needs you. Most importantly you are wasting your youth, your life and your love on someone who may say you are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to him, but who will NEVER give you the love and respect you deserve. Think of it that way, and you’ll begin to see the light and direct your love energy and focus to something or someone else who is by far more worthwhile.
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