Bad Credit Cell Phone Contracts You Can Have
Everybody deserves a second chance at just about anything, including your credit status. If you happen to have bad credit and think that there's no way you can ever get a decent cell phone service provider, you are wrong. There are actually companies that offer bad credit cell phone contracts at reasonable and agreeable rates.
One such cell phone service provider that offers bad credit cell phone contracts does not deny anyone service. So if you want a second chance then it's a good idea to go with one of their cell phone plans.
There are basically two types of cell phone plans being offered by this company. The one that involves dealing with bad credit cell phone contracts is the Post-Paid, or contract, type plans. With these plans, you will need to sign a contract stating your intent to pay the bill after you have used the service that is why your credit history matters. The advantage of this plan is that you get to use the phone before paying the bill. An additional feature of this plan is also that you can get free cell phones, if you have good credit.
The next type of cell phone plan is called the prepaid plan, and it has a lower monthly cost in comparison to the post-paid plan that comes with a contract. Because prepaid service has no contract, it's best for individuals who have credit issues. But more and more folks with excellent credit are going to pre paid plans because the plan rates are so much cheaper. If you're low on cash and have some bad debt, choose the prepaid plan because it won't cost you more based on your credit.
When you are looking for bad credit cell phone contracts consider your own ability to pay. There is a company that will give you a contract plan if you want one but you won't get the cell phones free and post paid (contract) plans come with higher plan rates for everyone regardless of your credit.
Bad credit cell phone contracts can cost as little as $40 per month. If you tend to use the cell phone a lot to make tons of phone calls, then try going unlimited. You'll get unlimited pre paid for less than $60 per month.
They also offer nationwide 3G and 4G coverage and excellent customer service that will attend to your daily needs and inquiries. In addition, its services are completely within reach because they offer their products and services online. Just check out their site, view the kind of plan you want. Order and get the phone shipped straight to your home. That means you can get your phone with premium cell phone service without having to talk to anybody.
Stop worrying about your bad credit. Work with people who are willing to give you a second chance. Try Great Cell and their bad credit cell phone contracts.
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