Master of your mind – Master of your destiny
Thoughts are energy
Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality – by attracting to us the things that we focus on.
Whatever we have in our lives at present is as a result of our current beliefs and thoughts relating to all areas in our life such as, wealth, health and happiness...
The home we live in, the relationships we have with friends, family, partners, the career or job we have – these will all come from what we believe is either possible for us or from what we believe we deserve.
For the most part these beliefs will act to keep us safe, protect us and keep us within our “comfort zone” whatever that may mean to each of us.
Goals and dreams
If we have life changing goals or dreams which would take us outside of this “comfort zone” then we most likely will have to overcome some limiting beliefs before we will be able to achieve our goals.
Part of my life-long dream is to be financially free – and initially this was just so far outside of my “comfort zone” it felt like I have a mountain to climb.
The background to our beliefs
Most of our beliefs will be formed in early childhood and will come from our care-givers, family, friends, teachers - even from films or events that touch us deeply.
These beliefs become part of us, part of who we are, for example our thoughts and beliefs relating to wealth, health, happiness – these will all affect our choices and decisions regarding what we believe is either possible for us or that we deserve.
My upbringing
I was born in the late fifties, into a loving catholic family - the youngest daughter with seven older brothers and sisters. At the time there was a strong class culture prevalent within our society so we thought of ourselves as a working class family.
I feel so lucky to have been brought up in such a loving environment and from this upbringing I have a set of beliefs which are at the core of who I truly am, namely; love, family, friends, honesty, integrity, compassion and generosity.
However it has also left me with a variety of limiting beliefs relating to wealth and success, such as;
The rich get richer while the poor get poorer
You have to be ruthless to be wealthy
It’s not what you know but who you know
The rich are greedy, selfish and self centred
Upper class
Working class
This is just a few to give an example (I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with tons of others too - depending on your upbringing) but I think you can see that if we were to hold onto any of these beliefs - then most of us would never allow ourselves to be wealthy because we just would not want to be associated with those traits; ruthless, greedy, selfish or self centred – so we would never be able to draw or attract wealth to us.
Self sabotage
When our goals and dreams come into conflict with these limiting beliefs - we will prevent ourselves from achieving the results that we desire, by holding ourselves back or blocking ourselves from making the right choices or taking the necessary actions to achieve our goals.
I’m sure we’ve all had experiences where this has happened – and, until we understand and identify what the limiting beliefs are that hold us back – we just feel unable to allow ourselves to move forward.
Releasing negative beliefs
We can change or release negative or limiting beliefs – of course it does require some work and effort, but, like anything else in life the more we practice the easier it gets.
First of all we need to understand and identify what our limiting beliefs are in respect of our goals.
Some of the most common limiting beliefs are (but there are so many and we will each have our own variations);
I don’t deserve it…
I can’t do that, I’m not good enough
I’m not intelligent enough
I’m not strong enough
Fear of failure – what if I try and fail, what will people think of me?
Fear of success – what if I do succeed, I may lose all my family and friends?
And the list could go on and on….
The next step is to replace the limiting beliefs with new beliefs which are in alignment with our goals.
There are many techniques which enable us to achieve this – we just have to try things on for size so to speak and see what works for us.
The techniques which I have personally used to great effect are;
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or the Tapping Solution
I intend to develop EFT tapping videos to incorporate within this site in the near future – so please keep checking in. In the meantime there are numerous EFT videos available on Youtube which you can use.
Hypnosis is a great tool for effecting personal change.
A good site for hypnosis products is (but this is just one – there are tons of hypnosis products available on the internet).
Hypnosis Network – however do offer a broad selection of products and also provide some samples for you to try out first.
Using affirmations daily, morning and night – consistently, injecting as much feeling (how would you feel if it were true now) into the affirmations as you can – for example;
“I am successful now”
“I am abundant now”
“I love my life”
Whatever your goal is - base your affirmations around your specific goals and the feelings of you already having achieved the goal.
The results of this can be quite amazing.
“Mike Brescia’s – Think Right Now” program - these are affirmations as an MP3 download. Mike also provides a Free “Life Transformation Kit” which gives you the chance to see just what his products can do.
If you’re interested in receiving the Free Life Transformation Kit – here is the link;
These are just some of the options which I have used to great effect – however you have to find out what works best for you.
Master of your mind – Master of your destiny
The realisation that we can in fact change our beliefs to enable us to achieve the life that we want or choose has led me to developing – as a means to empowering as many people as possible to become the “Master of their own destiny.”
I would really appreciate your comments on the article or perhaps on techniques which you have found to be effective for you.
Live life with passion
Barbara Smiles
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