You Can Buy A Good Business Without Using Your Own Money For The Down-payment!
"Business for Sale ! Baby-Boom Exit May Bring Glut"
That is a headline from the Kiplinger Business Resource Center. And it's true we are at the beginning of a boom (no pun intended) period for businesses owners wanting to sell there business.
Meanwhile we also see this from the business brokerage industry:
* Over 90% of the people who begin the search to buy a business fail to ever complete a purchase. They look at business for sale listings for 18 months and still never buy!
* Only 25% of business broker listings sell; 75% of the businesses do not sell!
So we have a very significant and dynamic event shaping up. More business owners than ever in history reaching a point where they need to sell, faced with people who want to buy but 90% of the time, never do!
Why do "buyers" not buy and "sellers" not sell?
I have been involved in literally hundreds of transactions over the course of my business career and I can answer this question with absolute certainty.
The answer to that question is: lack of knowledge.
Buyers that do not know how to find, evaluate, structure and negotiate transactions and business owners who do not understand how proper valuation and deal structure can help them sell their business for a fair (in some cases premium) value and with a structure that optimizes tax benefits for them.
For buyers that understand these things there will be hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars made over the next few years as they are presented with opportunities from thousands of business owners motivated to sell their business.
You might have heard recent news about all the money being made by private equity and hedge funds by buying businesses.
Do you want to know their secret?
They can buy businesses without using any of their own money for the down-payment!
Do you want to know an even more important secret (you'll love this)?
You can too! All it takes is knowledge of financial leverage and how to apply the knowledge. You don't need a pile of your own money to buy a good small to mid-sized business (I'm talking businesses up to $10 Million in revenue ... maybe more).
Again you don't need the capital, you just need to learn how manageable leveraged transactions are done and go out and do it. Remember the big business buyers always in the news? There are hundreds, if not
thousands, of smaller business buyer success stories that happen every day that you never hear about ... setting their life up so that when they retire, it will be with a pile of money ... and all they are doing is buying businesses using other peoples money.
So if you are interested in buying your own business but think you don't have enough money ... THINK AGAIN ... and begin to study how you too can buy a good business without using your own money for the down-payment.
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