Are Bad Credit Credit Cards A Good Idea?
When you apply for a bad credit type of credit card this does not normally need a credit check. Regardless of your credit history or income. The interest on credit cards for bad credit are a lot higher than on regular credit cards. You must think about the different variable costs when getting a new bad credit credit card, such as the APR, the enrolment fee, the credit limit or any benefits that may come with the card.
Some parents have been known to give credit cards to their children to use, and then wonder why they are faced with a huge bill at the end of the month. To give a child a credit card with a large limit is asking for trouble really. The better option, if you really wanted to give a card to your child, would be to give them pre paid card. If not you will surely end up with bad credit or a huge bill to pay.
Credit cards that are made specifically for those with bad credit come with a lot of restrictions. The restrictions are not that of a normal credit card, but that is due to the bad credit. One of the main things is the higher rate of interest.
Another thing that a bad credit credit card will most probably have is a start up fee or upfront fee. It may or may not include a $50 annual fee and /or a monthly service fee. So one way to look at it is that there is already a balance on the card before you even start spending on it.
You can get approval on a bad credit credit card right away normally. This could be over the phone or over the internet. It is so convenient that you must not fall into the trap and forget to read the fine print and also look about at the different offers available before you sign up to anything. What are they late fees, the interest rates? theses are questions that you should be asking before choosing which card to finally go for.
One pretty good option for a credit card for someone with bad credit would be a secured card. It is very much like a gift card. You put the money on the card and then use it in the same way as you would do with a normal credit card, then once the money is gone it is gone. Until you are able to top it up again. That way you can't overspend.
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